What is Nano Model railroading?

Nano model railroading is model railroading at a scale of 1:1,000. How on earth is this possible? Quite frankly, at the moment I don't know how possible it is but the technology exists to do it. So I'm going to have a go.

Monday, June 24, 2019


For your entertainment and reading pleasure, (and because I haven’t posted in ages) here is a page from my sketch pad exploring ways to assemble “Little Wonder” This is an alternate way to work the project than the one actually assembled so far.
You can see the water tank area would be a solid block of styrene, laminated to the right size. With a differently constructed smokebox affixed to the front. I think I’m going to try this as this way would be more suited to my planned construction of The larger Geo. England Locomotives like Welsh Pony and Little Giant.
I also need to work on dropping the footplate. Even though it will only be a drop of about .5mm in this scale.